Category: Personal

  • Updates!

    Just a quick set of updates as I get ready to run to work here. WordPress has hit a milestone release with version 6 of their platform software recently. They’ve come a long, long way from their initial fork of b2 ages ago, and I’ll gladly say Congrats to Automattic and team for the work […]

  • Is flat, like ironing board.

    This brief quip is brought to you by my distaste for the nitrous-infused soda released by Pepsi. I bought a can, despite not having access to a no-sugar variant, because I figured I would at least give it a try. Let’s just say that both myself and a housemate could conjure up ideas of things […]

  • On legally acquired media, acquisition of media, and increasing difficulty in consumption.

    Xial talks about an in-house streaming machine for their already purchased content.

  • There are gTLDs, developers.

    Bloody act like it. This starts a rant about Cost Plus World Market, and many other websites that requests your email address, but uses some archaic, distressingly not-updated method of determining if the email address might or might not be valid. As you can see, this post happens to be sitting on a domain,; […]

  • The Pharmaceutical Desert grows…

    Xial laments and rambles about the growth of the local pharmaceutical desert in their area.

  • Depress the clutch, release the clutch.

    Just a short one, this time. I’m learning how to drive a manual transmission car, by way of being blessed with one recently. I’m doing reasonably well with the concept, and with further thought, I think that if I ever need to buy another car and it’s not all electric, I could buy a stick […]

  • A ponderance on new hosting digs…

    Well… I’m starting to ponder a change of hosting. In theory, I could move most of my stuff to my recently configured Scaleway Stardust instance, as I’m using it to learn Caddy. Caddy has been extra easy, thus far, though I am not sure how I would handle the equivalent of Apache’s mod_rewrite rules, which […]

  • A reflection upon the past, part two.

    Xial comes back to the tale of living homelessly in the past.

  • *grmbl*

    The one thing that gets me about open source projects is that while many of them are becoming simpler, others are turning up the complication factor beyond a comfortable level. Maybe this time… MAYBE… Maybe Lick the Blue Things will announce its presence on the Fediverse. Also on:

  • A reflection upon the past, part one.

    In which Xial talks a fair bit about the past, of loss and homelessness.