Tag: hosting change

  • A ponderance on new hosting digs…

    Well… I’m starting to ponder a change of hosting. In theory, I could move most of my stuff to my recently configured Scaleway Stardust instance, as I’m using it to learn Caddy. Caddy has been extra easy, thus far, though I am not sure how I would handle the equivalent of Apache’s mod_rewrite rules, which […]

  • An interesting year in the rear view mirror.

    Hey, folks. Welcome to 2020, and all the insights that come with being in the rear view mirror. As the sun sets on 2019, I’m looking back at things I have learned, and realizations that are taking me full speed into a year with an extra day under its hood. Last year, I learned how […]

  • Re-homed: Lick dot Blue.

    In which Xial relates frustration on bargain hosting and a change in hosts not even 16 months after the last one.