I didn’t ask to wake up black.

This post will be short, but unusual compared to my typical content (or sparseness thereof). Normally, I’d hide it behind a cut, but honestly, no, you need to see this.

There are people in this society who think it their right to cause mental anguish to someone else because of the tone of their skin, or the language they speak. Writing racial epithets on their property and leaving behind calling cards reminiscent of the days of yore, in which many a man were found swinging from a tree is an act of cowardice.

Just because a person has physical differences doesn’t give any of us the right to berate them, make them feel unsafe, unloved, or unwanted.

People that have a need to spend energy on things like this need to find a different outlet. Take that excess energy, go put together some food boxes. Haul a bag of kibble to an animal shelter. Go magnet fishing and clean up your local river or lake. Help the elderly couple down the street get some yardwork done.

We’ve already had enough hate and derision, more than enough to last me two lifetimes and change.

Can we have love, care, and camraderie for a long while, please?

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